WARNING..! America’s Pensions and Corporations are BANKRUPT!!! (Proof not shown on TV)

America’s Pensions and Corporations are Bankrupt! (Proof not shown on TV)

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GE FREEZE PENSIONS ON 1,000’S OF WORKS FEW WEEKS BACK. NOW ANOTHER BIG CORRUPTION IS FILLING bankruptcy and another pension in trouble in America.

But Trump says we have the best economy every, however, we see left and right big corporations going bell up because they have too much debt

I made the words “Debt-Preneur” as most American companies are in debt to the their eye balls, but CEO are making millions of dollars while GM works go on strikes as their salary can not keep up with inflation because of printing of money thanks to the fed REPO bail out of ton Billions for 2 month straight!

But Trumps says we have the best stock in history of America, while the companies go more into debt and by back their stocks while most of them are going under because of lack of creative and a better gadget like ford not making cars..etc


#Pensions #RealEstate #MrNoFluFF

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