Vespa Halo 6 OTF Knife Review – Worth buying? | Honest Microtech Halo OTF Knife Review

Microtech halo 6 OTF Knife … NO its am “Vespa Halo” 6 Clone Out The Front. This this Vespa Clone Halo Knife worth buying? In this video I will go in depth about the Vespa halo knockoff knife that only cost me $113 vs paying $750 for original. knife microtech halo six. I personally on $2270 of Microtech nice that I spend my own money on I have owned to Ultratech out the front, one UTX85 and Halo 6 and a fixed blade so I have a lot of experience with the real Microtech knifes. I also on one counterfeit microtech halo five and in this video I will compare the lower end counterfeit microtech halo five compared to a Vespa Halo six clone.

Here’s where I bought Vespa Knife From

 #VespaKnife #VespaHalo #MicrotechHaloClone


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